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What is ACI?One of the largest cleaning institutes in the world with more than 100 detergent manufacturers producing more than 90% of household, industrial and institutional detergents in the USA! Learn more if you're interested or want to become a certified cleaner!
What is IICRC?The Certification Institute for Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration headquartered in Las Vegas! IICRC is a non-profit inspection, cleaning and remanufacturing certification and standards organization accredited by ANSI, the top NSB (National Standards Body) in the US overseeing all SDO (Standards Development Organizations) in the US! Read More if you are interested or want to become a certified cleaner!
Are all your cleaners certified by IICRC, ACI, ISSA, and so on?Unfortunately, far from it, some do not see the point in this, some do not have money for training, and we still do not agree to pay for it, since they have little experience in our campaign and we are not yet sure of the seriousness of their intentions to build a career with us, some do not speak the languages in which the courses are taught, some cannot pass the exams, some prefer to disconnect from us after receiving certificates and being able to attract clients, and often very large ones, directly through the ISSA, IICRC, Diversey, ECOLAB systems etc., but we believe that thanks to our competent campaigning within the company, every day more and more of our cleaners will acquire certificates from these cleaning institutions, and with higher passing scores, and you will be able to get better cleaning from us for the same money!
What is ISSA?The World Cleaning Industry Association founded in 1923 by Alfred Richter, with offices in North America, Italy, Canada, Latin America, China, Korea and Australia, certifying more than 300,000 people in its one educational division CMI (Cleaning Management Institute) ) founded in 1964, as well as cooperating with other global cleaning associations, companies and institutions such as Jani-King, ServiceMaster, IICRC and others! Learn More if you're interested or want to become a Certified Cleaner!
Me pehea te whiwhi mahi i Woklend? Me pehea te noho hei kaipupuri putea Woklend?Ka mihi ki a koe mo to hiahia ki te hanga umanga ki a matou! Kia mohio matou mo koe ano i konei ma te korerorero, ma ta maatau imeera Ka ako matou i nga korero mo koe me te korero atu mo nga tuku ka taea e matou ki a koe! E whakapono tahi ana ka taea e tatou te whiwhi moni nui!
He aha te ACI?Ko tetahi o nga whare horoi nui rawa atu o te ao me te neke atu i te 100 nga kaihanga horoi horoi neke atu i te 90% o nga whare horoi whare, ahumahi me nga umanga i Amerika! Ako atu mena kei te pirangi koe, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te noho hei kaihoroi whaimana!
He aha nga waahi kei a koe? He waahi ki te haumi i roto i to pakihi?Ka mihi ki a koe mo to hiahia ki te hanga umanga ki a matou! Tuhia ki to maatau imeera mo koe, to wheako me te turanga e hiahia ana koe ki te mahi. ! Ka arotakehia e matou o korero me te whakamohio atu ki a koe mo nga tuku ka taea e matou ki a koe!
He aha te ICRC?Te Whare Tiwhikete mo te Tirotiro, Whakapai me te Whakaora kei Las Vegas te tari matua! Ko te IICRC he tirotiro kore-pai, he horoi me te whakahou i te tiwhikete me te whakahaere paerewa kua whakamanahia e ANSI, te NSB runga (National Standards Body) i te US e tirotiro ana i nga SDO katoa (Standards Development Organizations) i te US! Pnui atu mena kei te pirangi koe, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te noho hei kaihoroi whaimana!
Ko o kai horoi katoa kua whakamanahia e IICRC, ACI, ISSA, me etahi atu?Ko te mate, kei tawhiti noa atu, karekau etahi e kite i te take o tenei, karekau he moni mo etahi mo te whakangungu, kare ano matou e whakaae ki te utu, na te mea he iti nei o ratou mohiotanga ki ta matou kaupapa, kare ano matou. e tino mohio ana ki te kaha o o raatau hiahia ki te hanga umanga ki a matou, kaore etahi e korero ana i nga reo e whakaakona ana nga akoranga, kaore e taea e etahi te eke ki nga whakamatautau, ko etahi ka pai ki te wehe atu i a matou i muri i te whiwhi tiwhikete me te kaha ki te kukume i nga kaihoko, a he maha nga mea tino nui, na roto tonu i nga punaha ISSA, IICRC, Diversey, ECOLAB me etahi atu, engari e whakapono ana matou he mihi ki a maatau mahi whakatairanga i roto i te kamupene, i ia ra ka nui ake o taatau kai horoi ka whiwhi tiwhikete mai i enei whare horoi, me te teitei ake nga whiwhinga paahitanga, a ka pai ake koe ki te horoi mai i a maatau mo te moni kotahi!
He aha te ISSA?Ko te Roopu Ahumahi Whakapai o te Ao i whakaturia i te tau 1923 e Alfred Richter, me nga tari kei Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, Itari, Kanata, Amerika Latina, Haina, Korea me Ahitereiria, e tohu ana neke atu i te 300,000 nga tangata i roto i tana wahanga matauranga kotahi CMI (Cleaning Management Institute) ) i whakaturia i te 1964, me te mahi tahi me etahi atu roopu horoi o te ao, kamupene me nga umanga penei i a Jani-King, ServiceMaster, IICRC me etahi atu! Ako Anō mena kei te pirangi koe, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te noho hei Kaihoroi Whaimana!
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