Senior Management at Woklend

Chief Cleaning Specialist
Tess Brown
Tess is probably our best cleaning lady who has worked with us for over 3 years! Over the years, there have been practically no complaints about Tess about poor-quality or illiterate service or conflicts with customers, and we also believe that the complaints about it are related to too high or inadequate customer requirements, since we ourselves order the services of our employees by introducing ourselves to customers and we know a lot about the quality they provide!

Founder & CEO
Maria Francis
Maria prefers to always keep everything under control and independently recruits staff, which is the foundation of the company, decides to fire difficult employees, and also negotiates with you about the cost and timing of the provision of this or that type of service provided by Woklend.

Chief cleaning specialist after renovation
Lisa Rose
Liza is our chief specialist in cleaning objects after the renovation that requires much more effort, contact with harmful dust for the body, but also more highly paid! This is probably why she only undertakes this type of work and should do it perfectly since she has extensive experience working with similar projects.

Chief Window Cleaning Specialist
Debbie Green
Debbie always campaigns for our clients to focus on window cleaning services, as it understands that in the modern world we spend most of the daylight hours in the room, and our stay outside after work is at 17-20 hours, absolutely not enough to get the amount of ultraviolet radiation the body needs! And in order to get the necessary ultraviolet light through the windows, they need to be washed correctly and weekly, which Debbie will be happy to do!

Product Manager
Alissa Rose
Allisa is a general manager for purchasing detergents and cleaning equipment. Believes that it is not possible to find quality products with which it is possible to achieve excellent results in small stores from unverified sellers! That is why she intensively studies the best suppliers, often already selected by applications such as Modalyst or Spocket in the most reputable stores in the world like Amazon, Walmart, and Alibaba, and only after carefully studying the offer comes to a conclusion what equipment and detergents to buy!

Chief Inspector
Jones Lawrence
Jones and his partners order the services of the company's specialists under the guise of clients and draw up a detailed written report (this allows you not to forget about mistakes that need to be corrected) about the work of the staff for CEO Don, what types of work are being done correctly and which are not, on the correction of which errors in the service or controlled activities performed by Ashley you need to work to achieve the best quality!

Chief Internet Technologies Specialist
Stanislav Velikoredchanin
Stanislav is our main IT specialist, after the specialists of the Wix platform itself, he helps us in setting up our site, finding quality employees serving you through advanced Google search results and various advertising channels such as Double Click for Publishers Small Business used by Glassdoor itself!

Tech Lead
Ashley Jones
Ashley is the chief supervisor of the cleaners' activities, responsible for their training, control of the use of only high-quality environmentally friendly detergents, as well as their correct use, which helps to keep our often expensive items in perfect condition for many years!

Alex Young
Alex is our main translator in the process of building a dialogue with our clients who do not know English who come to Los Angeles from other countries, from we also learn a lot of useful information about how the cleaning business is organized in their country, we can whether we use their methods to improve our service in Los Angeles! We are confident that thanks to Alex, in the near future, we will be able to provide you with a much better cleaning quality than today!
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